The caravanserai of Mets Shen


The caravanserai is located 2.6 km west of the village of Mets Shen in the Martakert region of occupied Artsakh, on the old road leading from the village to the Tartar Valley, at the junction of the latter with the new Martakert - Drmbon highway.

Historical overview

No information about the building has survived. Situated along the historic Dvin–Partav road, it was likely one of the caravanserais that once served travelers on this route. Descriptions of the Dvin–Partav road are found in the works of 10th-century Arab geographers al- Istakhri, Ibn Hawqal, and al-Muqaddas. Listing the road’s stations, they mention Calcatus following Sotik, and then Metris. According to H. Manandyan, these correspond to the settlements of Kaghankatuyq and Haterq in Artsakh (Manandyan 1985, 171-175).

Architectural-Compositional Examination

The building’s ruins lie on a small hill (Figs. 1, 2). The semi-detached caravanserai was constructed from roughly hewn and polished, cracked small stones bound with lime mortar. Visible at the site is one of the partially collapsed walls of a vaulted chamber, as well as the interior spaces of adjoining rooms on both sides (Figs. 3-6). To the north of these rooms stretches a large, walled area that may have served as an open inner courtyard.

Fig. 1 The location of the caravanserai, photo by H. Petrosyan.

Fig. 2 The location of the caravanserai, photo by H. Petrosyan.

Fig. 3 One of the rooms of the caravanserai, photo by H. Petrosyan.

The condition before and after the war

The caravanserai’s grounds remained undamaged during the Artsakh wars. However, the entire area is now overgrown with trees and shrubs, making it impossible to discern its layout, dimensions, and boundaries (Figs. 7-9). No archaeological research has been conducted, and systematic scientific investigation is urgently needed.


  1. Manandyan 1985 - Manandyan Ya., On the trade and cities of Armenia in connection with the world trade of ancient times (5th century BC – 15th century AD), writings, 6, Yerevan.


The caravanserai of Mets Shen
The caravanserai of Mets Shen
The caravanserai of Mets Shen