An international scientific conference on “Artsakh (Karabakh) in historical and modern context” was held in Moscow
On 15-16 September, 2022 an international scientific conference on “Artsakh (Karabakh) in historical and modern context” was held at the Armenian Church Complex in Moscow. More than 50 researchers participated in the conference: Armenologists, historians, archaeologists and culturologists from different cities of Artsakh, Armenia and Russia. Armenologists from the USA, Canada, Italy, Austria and France also made remote presentations.
The members of the “Monitoring the Cultural Heritage of Artsakh” team (www.monumentwatch.org ), representing the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, the Department of Cultural Studies of the Yerevan State University, the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia and the National History Museum of Armenia also participated in the conference with the following reports:
Hamlet Petrosyan, Ph. D, Professor
Archaeological research of Artsakh: on the nature and time of the institutionalization of the Albanian Church in the light of new data.
Armine Gabrielyan, Ph.D
The culture of jar burials and the problem of ethnicity in the Albanian-Armenian contact zone in the Classical period.
Nzhdeh Yeranyan, Ph.D, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of NAS RA
On the question of the ethno-cultural belonging of the anthropomorphic stelae of the Artsakh steppe.
Lyuba Kirakosyan, Ph.D, Professor
The composition of the vaulted hall in the architecture of Artsakh.
Ruben Hovsepyan, Ph.D, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of NAS RA
“Torpedoing” the cultural heritage of Artsakh on Azerbaijani media platforms.
Haykuhi Muradyan, Ph.D, Department of Cultural Studies, YSU
Azerbaijan's policy towards the cultural heritage of Artsakh.
Armine Tigranyan, Ph.D candidate of the Department of Cultural Studies, YSU
International system for the protection of cultural heritage during the war and Azerbaijani vandalism.
Anush Safaryan, Ph.D student of the Department of Cultural Studies, YSU
Khachkars: the state policy of Azerbaijan towards the cultural heritage of Artsakh.