This time, Azerbaijan destroyed a spring memorial monument that was built near the Khachatur Abovyan School in Shushi

Azerbaijan destroyed the spring memorial (Fig. 1) that had been constructed behind the Khachatur Abovyan School in Shushi.( The monument was dedicated to the memory of freedom fighters Vardan and Vahan Gharibyan, who perished in the First Artsakh War. According to oral testimony from their sibling, Gevorg Gharibyan, the monument was constructed by their father and their comrades-in-arms (Fig. 2). Edik Gulnazaryan was the architect and designer of the ornaments for the monument. It was built between 1994 and 1995.

The spring memorial was lined with basalt slabs and featured two niches. Commemorative plaques were affixed to the niches: one indicated the monument's dedication (Fig. 3), while the other listed the names of the brothers' comrades-in-arms (Fig. 4). The center of the monument was arched, and beneath the arch were carved the famous lines of the historian Yeghishe: "Death known is immortality; death unknown is death." Inside the arch was a stylized crucifix, flanked by botanical designs. Below these were stylized rosettes from which water flowed.

It is evident that the Azerbaijani side is continuing its efforts to erase Armenian identity from Shushi, with a primary focus on demolishing monuments dedicated to Armenian freedom fighters.

Fig. 1 The destroyed monument, photo: from Telegram channel.

Fig. 2 The general view of the spring memorial, photo by G. Sargsyan.

Fig. 3 One of the plaques, photo by G. Gharibyan.

Fig. 4 One of the plaques, photo by G. Gharibyan.