The “Glory” Memorial Complex of Berdzor


The city of Berdzor is situated in the western part of the Republic of Artsakh, in the Kashatagh region. The memorial is located on a hill adjacent to Peace Square (Fig. 1). It is now under Azerbaijani occupation.

Fig. 1 The “Glory” Memorial Complex of Berdzor 2022, photo by A. Grigoryan.

Historical overview

The Berdzor Memorial was originally constructed during the Soviet era to honor those from the city of Lachin who perished in the Patriotic War (1941-1945). The complex sustained significant damage during the liberation battles of Lachin (Fig. 2). After the liberation, with the memorial complex in ruins, the Kashatagh administration decided to preserve the architectural and dimensional design of the monument. They renamed it the "Glory" complex and engraved the names of the Armenian freedom fighters who died during the liberation of Kashatagh on its walls.

Fig. 2 The Berdzor Memorial, in memory of those who died in the Patriotic War (1941-1945) from the city of Lachin, the source of the photo is unknown.

Architectural-compositional examination

The steps leading up to the memorial complex were lined with khachkars, dedicated to the memory of the freedom fighters from the village of Vanashen in the Ararat Region. Among those honored were Serob Hanesyan and other freedom fighters (Figs. 3, 4).

Fig. 3 A khachkar dedicated to the memory of the freedom fighters of Vanashen village, Ararat region, 2022, photo by A. Grigoryan.

Fig. 4 A khachkar dedicated to the memory of Serob Hanesyan, 2022, photo by A. Grigoryan.

The memorial complex comprises three large semicircular basalt walls, on which the names of soldiers who perished in the Artsakh War are engraved. The first of these walls features a khachkar with the inscription, "The Holy Cross in intercession for the souls of the martyrs" (Fig. 5). Additionally, it includes a sculpture of a bird resembling a peacock combined with a pomegranate tree (Fig. 6). The third wall displays a slab with a rosette in the center, surrounded by carved images of birds, pomegranate fruits, a vine, and bunches of grapes, accompanied by the three-line inscription "PEACE TO ALL, PAX VOBISCUM" (Fig. 7). The memorial also features three khachkars: one dedicated to the "Special Regiment" (Fig. 8), another to the Armenian martyrs who died for the liberation of Shushi (Fig. 9), and a third honoring Vazgen Sargsyan (Fig. 10).

Fig. 5 Details from the memorial, 2022, photo by A. Grigoryan.

Fig. 6 Details from the memorial, 2022, photo by A. Grigoryan.

Fig. 7 Details from the memorial, 2022, photo by A. Grigoryan.

Fig. 8 A khachkar dedicated to "Special Regiment", 2022, photo by A. Grigoryan.

Fig. 9 A khachkar dedicated to Armenians martyred for the liberation of Shushi, 2022, photo by A. Grigoryan.

Fig. 10 A khachkar dedicated to Vazgen Sargsyan, 2022, photo by A. Grigoryan.

The condition before, during, and after the war

After the tripartite declaration was signed on November 9, 2020, the town of Berdzor, along with the villages of Aghavno and Nerkin Sus, was controlled by Russian peacekeeping forces stationed in the Republic of Artsakh. However, on August 25, 2022, these areas came under Azerbaijani control. Due to the special aggression exhibited by Azerbaijan during and after the war, particularly towards monuments and khachkars from the independence period, the Republic of Artsakh initiated the evacuation of nearly all these monuments.

In May 2023, photos circulating on the internet revealed that the memorial had been destroyed (for details, see


  1. Balayan 2020 - Balayan V., Outlines of the History of Settlements of the Republic of Artsakh, Yerevan.
The “Glory” Memorial Complex of Berdzor
The “Glory” Memorial Complex of Berdzor
The “Glory” Memorial Complex of Berdzor