The bridge of Hghtskot


The bridge of Hghtskot is situated 200 meters southwest of Avetaranots village in the Askeran region, spanning the Hghtskot River (Figs. 1, 2).

Since November 2020, Avetaranots village has been under Azerbaijani occupation.

Fig. 1 The general view of the bridge, photo by S. Karapetyan, Bridges of Artsakh, Yerevan 2009.

Fig. 2 The measurements of the bridge, photo by S. Karapetyan, Bridges of Artsakh, Yerevan 2009.

Historical overview

There is no available information regarding the construction of the bridge; however, considering its architectural features and style, it is estimated to date back to the 17th and 18th centuries.

Architectural-compositional examination

It's a single-span bridge constructed using raw river stone and lime mortar. The cornerstones of the arch are polished. The span measures 5.50 meters in length, 4.35 meters in width, and stands at a height of 4.25 meters (Karapetyan 2009, 78).

The condition before, during, and after the war

Until the 2020 war, the bridge stood intact and was in use. There is no information available regarding its condition during military operations and the post-war period.


  1. Karapetyan, 2009 - Karapetyan S., Bridges of Artsakh, Yerevan.
The bridge of Hghtskot
The bridge of Hghtskot
The bridge of Hghtskot