The Church of Janbar
The church of Janbar is located in the Republic of Artsakh's Kashatagh region, in the rural settlement of Janbar, not far from the city of Kovsakan on its western outskirts. It is currently occupied by Azerbaijan.

Historical overview
There is no historical information about the church. Janbar village was once incorporated into the Syunik region's Kovsakan province. By the end of the 18th century, a substantial percentage of the latter had been evacuated of Armenians (Karapetyan 1999, 207).
Architectural-compositional examination
The church is made of medium and small stones that are rough and unpolished, as well as lime mortar (Figs. 1, 2). By architectural plan, it is a single-nave vaulted hall with only one entrance from the south (Fig. 3). The only window has been preserved on the eastern facade. They used the window cornice of an older church and polished stones to construct it (Figs. 4, 5). The only eye-catching decoration in this church is the window on the east facade. The exact date of the church's construction is unknown. Based on its architectural and structural data, as well as its external and internal appearance, it can be classified among the 17th–18th century single-nave churches of Syunik and Artsakh. The church's name is also unknown. The church is mentioned on the website of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church as Ohanaeghtsi and dates back to the 17th century

Fig. 1 The general view of the church, photo by Z. Rkoyan.

Fig. 2 A view of the church from the west, photo by Z. Rkoyan.

Fig. 3 The interior of the church, photo by Z. Rkoyan.

Fig. 4 The eastern facade of the church, photo by Z. Rkoyan.

Fig. 5 The eastern window of the church, photo by Z. Rkoyan.
The condition before and after the war
The church was not damaged during the Artsakh wars, and its current fate is unknown. A large hole in the wall on the east side, just below the window, indicates that an attempt was made to demolish or undermine that part.
- Karapetyan 1999 - Karapetyan S., Monuments of Armenian culture in the regions annexed to Soviet Azerbaijan, Yerevan.
The Church of Janbar