The Church of Pirumashen
It is located in the territory of Sarushen community of Askeran region of Artsakh, about 0.5 km south-west of the village, on the right edge of the Stepanakert-Hadrut highway, near the current border.

A. The description and condition before the Second Artsakh War.
It is a single-nave vaulted hall with a semicircle eastern apse and adjacent vestries. The church is built of medium-sized rough stones and lime mortar. Built by a combination of large blocks of white lime and black sandstone, the sculpted portal stands out. The volumetric and sculptural solutions of the portal indicate the 17th century. It is not excluded that it was rebuilt on the foundation dated to the 12th-13th centuries once existed earlier on the site, taking into account the 12th-13th century tombstones and khachkars embedded in the walls.
The building was completely restored in 2012-2014.

B. The condition after the war.
It was not damaged during the Second Artsakh War. Special monitoring is required, as the adjacent highway is also used by Azeri columns heading to Shushi.

The Church of Pirumashen