The Church of the Holy Savior in Talish
The church is located in the village, northeast of the former house of culture.
Historical Overview
According to M. Barkhudariants, the church was built at the end of the 19th century, more precisely in 1894, at the expense of the local population (Barkhudariants 1895, 226, fig. 1).

Fig. 1 The general view of the church from the north, photo by S. Danielian.
Architectural-Compositional Description
The monument is a three-nave basilica built of local polished and rough light brown stones. Arches resting on eight wall columns and four separate pillars divide the chapel into three naves (fig. 2). The columns and arches are made of hewn stones. The baptismal font is built into the western part of the north wall. The dimensions of the monument are 21.75 meters long and 13.1 meters wide.
The church is vaulted; the roof is covered with a sheet of tin tiles. Initially, the church had two doors that opened from the north and south sides (Barkhudariants 1895, 226-227). Later the southern door was closed. The church has three windows on the east, one on the west, two on the north and three on the south.

Fig. 2 The interior of the church from the west, photo by S. Danielian.
The State of the Church before, during and after the War
Before the war the church was completely standing. No information is known about the monument during the war or after it.
Bibliographic examination
The church is relatively new, which is why the sources are scarce. Our description is based on the information provided by Makar Barkhudariants and that which is submitted by Certificate of Preservation of Monuments of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Artsakh Republic,
1․ Barkhudariants 1895 - Barkhudariants M. Artsakh, Baku, Aror.
The Church of the Holy Savior in Talish