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Details. Ghaybalushen village, Shushi.
Details. Armenian family.
Details. Tigranakert of Artsakh
Details. Dadivank monastery, Holy see church, north wall, stoning of Saint Stephen and Christ’s message to the angels.
Details: Sculptural depiction on a khachkar, Hargomer, Artsakh
Details: The khachkar of Desum, 1181, Koshik Anapat, Artsakh
Details. How to protect. The warrior and his family.
Details. a khachkar, 13th century, Haterk, Artsakh
Details: Dadivank monastery, the khachkar of 1182 AD.
Details: Dadivank monastery, khachkar 1283 AD.
Details: Princess Arzukhatun about her sons, Dadivank, Katoghike (main) church․
Unique winged khachkar (cross stone) with a sundial
A fragment of funerary slab, 5-6th c. AD., Berdashen, Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh)
“Me and my brother”
The white Cross of Hadrut
Style: Architect Shahik, first half of the 14th century.
Hayrapet (the patriarch), Smpat and Margareh (the prophet).
When the Azeri propaganda is looking for the Albanian traces