The Asrunts Bridge


The Asrunts Bridge is situated within the territory of Karmir village in the Askeran region, along the old field road from Karashen village to Karmir village, approximately 3 kilometers northwest of Karmir village.

Following the military aggression of September 2023, it is currently under the control of Azerbaijan.

Historical overview

There is limited historical information available about the monument. Based on the construction techniques and architectural style, the bridge is estimated to have been built in the 19th century. The absence of written references is likely due to this relatively recent construction date.

Architectural-compositional examination

The bridge consists of a single span and is constructed using rough limestone and lime mortar. The edge stones are polished, and the road is paved. The span has a height of approximately 4 meters and a length of 7 meters (Figs. 1, 2).

Fig. 1 The general view of the bridge: photo from the Database of monuments of the MESCS of Artsakh Republic.

The condition before, during, and after the war

Before and after the 2020 war, the monument remained completely intact and was utilized as part of the rural road. There are no reports of any damage to the monument during or after the 2023 military aggression.

The Asrunts Bridge
The Asrunts Bridge
The Asrunts Bridge